Framcolor Glamour

Glamour er varanlegur litur, samsettur með algjörlega nýrri tækni og blandaður í hlutföllunum 1:1, sem flýtir undirbúningi og auðveldar að bera í. Glamour er for-blandaður, til að tryggja að allur litaskalinn þeki grátt hár með hvaða festi sem er ( 20-30-40 vol). Bæði hárið og húðin fá þá allra mestu vernd sem hægt er meðan hárlitun á sér stað. Með Glamour eykst ending litarins og endurkast ljóss af hárinu verður náttúrulegra. Glamour er með lágt ammóníaks innihald, svo hárið fái mildari meðhöndlun, án þess að fórna stöðugleika og virkni við varanlega litun.


Oxidation coloring cream

From the Framesi Research Laboratories, coloring with all the characteristics of a prêt-à-porter collection garment and a formula designed for professional hairstylists looking for a high-performance, user-friendly coloring line.

Ready to use, Framcolor Glamour comes in 53 pre-mixed, soft-textured nuances for comfortable application. It guarantees:

  • darkening by 1 or 2 tones
  • lightening by up to 5 tones
  • tone-on-tone coloring
  • coloring after color removal
  • tinting after decoloring.

Framcolor Glamour uses the PROTECTIVE COVERAGE TECHNOLOGY system, which guarantees the hair structure balanced treatment thanks to the special combination of 18 MEA, which restores the hair’s lipophilic component, improving its structure and the cosmetic coloring result, vitamin E, which protects the hair from premature aging and prolongs color durability, and vitamin C, an antioxidant that acts in synergy with vitamin E.

In addition, the perfect balance between the primary coloring molecules – responsible for color intensity and coverage – and the secondary ones, which give the hair its sheen, also ensures an even result on roots, mid-lengths and ends.

Designed for those looking for quality in a simple, user-friendly, afforable product that is always guaranteed, Framcolor Glamour satisfies the needs of a rapid, versatile service with incomparable technical and aesthetic characteristics:

  • soft texture for more comfortable application
  • over 50 pre-mixed nuances
  • 100% coverage
  • no dull darkening on mid-lengths and ends
  • unmatched staying power (50% less color discharge)
  • less ammonia content (to protect the hair structure)
  • “protective coverage technology” to safeguard hair and color

100 ml “ECO-FRIENDLY” tube